


occupational well-being, leadership, organizational environment, leadership style


Interest in the role of leadership in the organization is related to the search for ways to optimize the organizational environment to increase the level of professional well-being of employees. Numerous previous studies have shown that leadership behavior and style can influence many working conditions in an organization, which can manifest not only in the short term, but also in the long term. The purpose of this study is to identify the specifics of managerial interaction, which is a factor in the well-being of an individual in a professional context. The realization of the set goal involves solving several tasks: 1) theoretical analysis of the features of modern management styles; 2) selection, analysis and generalization of factors affecting various aspects of the professional well-being of employees within each style. In accordance with the purpose of the research, a complex of general scientific theoretical methods was used, in particular, analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific data of recent decades. According to the results of the theoretical analysis, it was established that leaders influence their employees not only directly through the specifics of their behavior, but also indirectly by influencing the level of labor resources by social support, positive feedback and the creation of a psychologically safe environment; by the promotion of creativity, learning, development and, thus, self-realization; by empowering and demanding work in the work environment they manage, including what and how many demands are placed on employees, clarity of purpose and the provision of autonomy in its implementation. That is, the specificity of leadership in the organization determines a valuable opportunity to create a working environment that promotes the well-being of employees. One of the key variables in explaining the psychological well-being of the leaders themselves is authenticity. The perspective of further research is the empirical verification of the identified relationships.


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