respiratory health care, public policy, public management and administration, COVID‑19 pandemic, warAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of an actual problem in the field of public management and administration, which is defined as the protection of respiratory health as a direction of state policy. The relevance of the work is due to the significant prevalence of respiratory diseases both during the COVID‑19 pandemic and during the war. The relevance of the study is due to the global nature of the problem, which is identified at the level of the World Health Organization. It was determined that in the scientific discourse of the field of public management and administration, the problem of respiratory health is represented by a very limited number of scientific works. The purpose of this study is the theoretical justification of respiratory health protection as a separate direction of the state policy of Ukraine in modern conditions. It has been established that until now the concept of «respiratory health protection» has not been implemented in the national regulatory and legal field. It was determined that the implementation of state policy in the field of respiratory health protection is based on a multi-functional, multi-subject and multi-disciplinary approach. It has been proven that the program-target approach as a tool for the implementation of policy in the field of health care is applied only at the local level of management. The implementation of state-wide target programs in the field of health care was suspended based on the provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On State Financial Guarantees of Medical Services of the Population». The specific features that characterize respiratory health care as an object of state policy are highlighted: the national scale of the public management problem; correlation of approaches in the implementation of respiratory health protection policy at the global, national and local levels of management; national laws of special effect; multi-aspect, multi-subject and multi-level nature of public management activity; operational organizational and functional restructuring of critical infrastructure facilities.
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