default, regulation, public administration, socio-economic development, international cooperation, financial stabilityAbstract
In the proposed article, the author investigated the prospects of default regulation as an object of public management of socio-economic development. Default, which occurs when an entity is unable to fulfill its financial obligations, has serious consequences for the economy and society as a whole. Various approaches to default regulation and their impact on socio-economic development have been established. The article analyzes the role of government in regulating default and explores the various instruments and policies that can be used to prevent default and its consequences. It also addresses the importance of understanding the causes of default and developing effective strategies to avoid it. It was found that the review of the prospects of default regulation as an object of public management of socio-economic development and emphasizes the need to develop effective strategies that will help avoid default and its negative consequences for the economy and society. In particular, the need to develop default prevention mechanisms by strengthening financial stability and supervisory bodies is discussed. An important aspect is the development of effective regulatory policies that will contribute to reducing the risks of default and ensuring the responsibility of management entities. It also considers the impact of default on the social sphere and emphasizes the need for social protection and support for those affected by default. The importance of social inclusion and the development of social programs that will provide support for vulnerable population groups is emphasized. In addition, it considers the prospects of international cooperation in default regulation. It was determined that it emphasizes the need for joint efforts of countries in solving the problem of default and sharing experience and best practices. In general, this article provides a valuable overview of the prospects of default regulation as an object of public management of socio-economic development and indicates the need for an integrated approach, including financial, economic and social aspects, for effective risk management and ensuring the stability of the economy and society.
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