public management and administration, social responsibility, university, organizational forms, war, politicsAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the experience of leading higher education institutions of Ukraine in the realization of social responsibility under martial law. The war has prompted the scientific community to rethink the role of social responsibility in higher education. In times of war, the main task of a socially responsible university is to organize a safe, socially adapted space for participants in the educational process, the administrative staff of the educational institution and the local community. The author analyzes the tools of a modern university in the formation and implementation of social responsibility policy in the context of military operations. It is proved that in modern conditions the policy of social responsibility of universities is formed and implemented at the institutional level of management. The main organizational forms of implementation of the university’s social responsibility policy in wartime are determined. The problems of forming socially responsible mechanisms are analyzed from the standpoint of public administration, which ensures the management of the strategic development of a modern university. The implementation of social responsibility policy in a higher education institution is formed through coordinated communication with business, community, executive authorities, medical institutions, and volunteer centers. During the military operations on the territory of Ukraine, universities faced new social challenges, which led to changes in their development strategies and missions. It is substantiated that in times of war, socially responsible universities create new units to address social, psychological, legal, communication, economic, environmental and other issues. On the example of the activities of Dnipro University of Technology, new areas of social responsibility of universities in the conditions of war are identified – organizational and integration (creation of appropriate conditions for the functioning of displaced higher education institutions from dangerous regions), functional and security (round-the- clock operation of bomb shelters with free access for participants in the educational process and residents of nearby buildings) and innovative and educational (development of preschool education at the university, creation of safe children’s spaces).
Про введення воєнного стану в Україні : Указ Президента України від 24.02.2022 р. № 64/2022. URL:
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