


public policy, community partnership, political space, communication, public administration, coordination


The authors named mechanisms for coordinating mutual relations between powers and communities for the formation and implementation of current public policy in Ukraine. It is argued that the structure of the public space includes anonymous actors, among whom in a democratic partnership the individual stands as the main element of the partnership, which is characterized by autonomy and independence, the existence of activity; institutions of community partnership, other structures of public administration. According to the authors, the structure of the Ukrainian public space and the stage of development of its main subjects, institutions and mechanisms indicate the nature of public policy and show possible directions of activity from expanding forms spіvrobіtnitsya on partner ambushes, which would quell the increase in the strength of marriage as a whole. It is emphasized that the scientific tradition of including partnership as a full-fledged subject of public policy as a policy of direct formulation and formation of large-scale value ambushes of partnership activity in general In the hour of Russia’s full-scale war in Ukraine, the appearance of a synergistic consolidation of the state and a partnership with the method of counteracting insensible protests was found to be confirmed All kinds of aggressive aggression. It has been proven that a current power can conquer its mission only on the basis of partnerships and marriages, victorious powers of government, less rigid forms of coordination, and expanded participation of citizens in public and politics, including forms of public representation in the procedures for making public decisions, disaggregating political decisions and Their implementation as part of the marriage. It is stated that public policy is a process of searching for possible mechanisms of regulation and control, platforms for broad and expert discussion, action based on the identified and declared needs of the population, and ideas for political decisions that are made. on different levels of power, and, on the other hand, public Politics is the product of a huge public thought, so that the rational and evaluative judgments of the broad beliefs of the population are revealed, a mechanism for supporting moral standards, which will ensure the legitimation of power and activity in public Great space.


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