power, state, integrity, constitutional reforms, human rights, justice, public administrationAbstract
The article analyzes the available approaches to the formation of a modern paradigm of public administration from the standpoint of highlighting the role of institutions of state power in the modern process of state formation. The state of the modern constitutional reform in the context of the formation of the foundations of the development of the Ukrainian state in the conditions of the legal regime of martial law and post-war reconstruction is characterized. On the basis of the historical analysis of state-building processes, the features of the formation and development of the justice system are determined, the features of modern scientific approaches to the elements of the justice system, and the key principles of the functioning of the justice system are determined. Special attention is paid to the principle of independence of the judicial system, the peculiarities of the judicial process from the standpoint of the public nature of state power. The essence of the reforms of 2014–2016 and 2021 in the sphere of justice was revealed. an assessment of the effectiveness of the introduced constitutional changes in the formation of a democratic legal regime in Ukraine was carried out. Special attention is paid to the public management content of judicial administration. The main approaches to the expediency of applying the concept of «public service» to judges and judges staff in the context of the modern model of service relations are characterized. On the basis of a systemic approach, the author's approach to the institutionalization of a new format of judicial power from the standpoint of the constitutional content of justice was developed, and an own methodological approach was proposed to the humanizing concept of public administration in the functioning of the judiciary, which is based on the human rights format of the activities of all participants in the judicial process. The available approaches to understanding the principle of "integrity" in the justice system are clarified. A number of principles in the justice system in the context of the dichotomy "state administration – public administration" are proposed for further scientific analysis.
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