interest, private interests, public interests, legitimate interest, subjective law, presumptionAbstract
This article is devoted to the issues of classification of interests in family law by different legal criteria. The article is argued that the classification of interests in family law should act as criteria: 1) depending on the sphere in which they arise: private and public interests of family law; 2) depending on the subjects of family law: the interests of the spouses; parents’ interests; interest of children; the interests of other family members; 3) depending on compliance with the requirements of family law, legitimate and illegal interests; 4) depending on the nature and content of the need, whose satisfaction is directed: property interest and non-property interest; 5) depending on the form of consolidation: interests, enshrined in the positions of family law and interests expressed in the principles of family law. Particular attention in the article is aimed at researching private and public interests in family law. It is proved that the norms of family law are based on the establishment of forms and limits of mutual addition of private and public interests. The article states that private interests in family law are represented in the form of interests of individual family members, and their essence is due to the type of family substructure. Also, it was stated that public interests in family law include: state interest; public interest; the family’s interest. The article states that adopted by parents, legitimate representatives of the child, authorities, court and other decisions in their basis should be directed to priority taking into account the interests of the child in order to meet any of its needs (depending on age, health, sex, sex. The specifics of the child’s development), which fits in the essence of the principle of the best interests of the child. The author of the article has proven that the principle of the best interests of the child includes both the principle of the wellbeing of the child, eliminating the need for their delimitation as separate legal categories.
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