
  • Olha Oleksandrivna Taranova



virtual object, problem object, property, property right, Register of real rights to real estate


Property is one of the central institutions of economic relations. Namely, real estate remains one of the main means of preserving and accumulating capital. Due to the importance of real estate in public relations, any state needs to establish a special regime of legal regulation of relations related to this area. The existence of real estate in the legal field implies the need for state registration of the emergence and transfer of ownership of real estate. Problems that arise during the State registration of rights to immovable property and further work with the register complicate the process of free possession, use and disposal of their property. The stability of the economic situation in Ukraine depends on the confidence of citizens in protecting their property rights. Recently, the process of state registration of real estate rights has been constantly reformed. It is not the essence of registration actions that changes, but the names of the bodies that conduct them and the powers of these bodies. This situation does not improve the process of property registration for owners. The article examines the problems that arise during the State registration of rights to real estate and further work with the register. After analyzing these problems in the activities of the Register of Real Property Rights, a connection was established between the quality of work of the register and the protection of the rights of the owner of his property. Since the stability of the economic situation in the country depends on the protection of citizens’ property rights, this issue is quite relevant. Today, unfortunately, there are still a large number of problematic aspects that need to be analyzed and refined at both the legislative and practical levels. The article will suggest possible ways to improve the system of registration of real property rights to ensure the protection of real estate in Ukraine.


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