


penal institution, criminal offense, prisoner, individual prevention, preventive activity


The article examines the problems which influence on the effectiveness of individual prevention of criminal and other offenses committed by the personnel of penal institutions in the sphere of penal service of Ukraine. The authors define the objects of preventive activity and express the opinion that individual prevention of criminal offenses should be distinguished into an independent type of preventive activity. The authors highlight the main problems affecting the effectiveness of individual prevention of criminal and other offenses committed by the staff of penal institutions in the field of penal enforcement in Ukraine. It is indicated that the effectiveness of the positive impact of verbal methods on the personality of an offender is obvious and should become one of the means of improving the applied principles of individual prevention of criminal and other offenses by the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine and its interregional departments. Another problem related to the provision of assistance to potential offenders is the fact that a significant number of colony staff do not have their own homes. In this regard, it is necessary for the state to approve a program to improve the social protection of prison staff at the level of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. There is a need to introduce a psychologist into the staff of each colony who would be responsible for preventing professional "burnout" of colony staff by, among other things, monthly testing of these subjects and developing appropriate measures in this regard. It is also important to improve the language culture and the level of verbal communication of colony staff both among themselves and with convicts, which will minimize the conflict between these subjects of penal relations. The authors also identify the forms of coercion as a means of individual prevention of criminal and other offenses committed by the staff of colonies in the course of execution of sentences.


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