



empathy, disposition toward empathy, compassion, religious commitment, peculiarities of religious commitment, believers


The article shows the results of an empirical study of the empathic peculiarities of believers. The disposition of the people under study toward empathy (and its peculiarities) was defined within the context of the religious manifestations and peculiarities specific to the people under study. The empirical study involved 117 middle-aged persons: 52 men and 65 women. All people under study declared their commitment to Christianity. The instrumentation was represented by 6 diagnostic text methods, out of which 3 were oriented toward the study of empathy and its separate aspects, and 3 were aimed at studying the religious peculiarities of a person. The obtained empirical data were analyzed with the application of mathematical and statistical data analysis, which include: correlation, cluster, and comparative types of analysis. The article describes the most significant statistically accurate results based on which the conclusions were drawn. It was defined that the more a person strives to conform to religious contentions, formally fulfill all its rules and norms, and strives to be an active member of a religious community, the more such person is ready to give some practical support to those in need. It was found that the believer’s orientation towards the maximum conformity to morality (stipulated by the religion and providing for strict compliance with the requirements, rules, and norms of religion professed by a person), is interconnected with the ability to focus on the other person, understand the concerns and feelings of others. It was proved that people with different psychological peculiarities of their religious commitment differ in their disposition toward empathy. The people who demonstrated a higher level of their inner religious commitment tend to be predominantly happy about the positive life aspects and condition of the other people. At the same time, the people with predominantly outer religious commitment, are more frequently ready to support other people in need, however, the empathy towards the positive feelings of the other people has not been manifested. The results of the study prove the interconnection between the disposition toward empathy (and its separate aspects) and the religious peculiarities of the believers (Christians) involved in the study.


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