resourcefulness, personal development, internal motivation, reflective skills, spirituality, existentials, psychospiritual resourcesAbstract
The article analyzes psychological resources as a specific system of human abilities, contributing to the successful resolution of contradictions between the individual and the living environment, overcoming adverse life circumstances, and determining the direction vector of the individual's self-realization. The perspective of the system approach, which considers resources as a complex dynamic system that is hierarchically organized and has a defined structure, is indicated. Views on the essential content of personal resources are analyzed. The psycho-spiritual resources of a person are singled out as a complex integrative individual-psychological formation, which manifests itself in professional competence, a high level of development of spiritual and moral properties, reflects the attitude of the individual to the main existential givens: freedom, meanings, self-transcendence, acceptance, faith and is experienced intrapersonally as a restoration contact with one's subjectivity, a sense of integrity, inner strength, emotional stability, self-creation. The analysis of the actualization process of the psychospiritual resources of the individual at the stage of professionalization made it possible to distinguish their components: motivational-value, cognitivemeaningful, reflective-active, and spiritual-existential, and to analyze the peculiarities of their functioning in the process of professional training of future psychologists, students of WUNU. The critical aspects of the empirical study were: The student's internal motivation ensures the resourcefulness of his condition; The structure and personal significance of the main groups of life meanings in students of the 1st and 4th years of study; Development of reflective knowledge and skills of students; Their existential resources as internal worldview supports, which in the period of complex life phenomena allow a person to maintain internal stability to find new life models.
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