


public administration, biosafety, conceptual and categorical apparatus, systems, biosafety model


The article shows that the problem of biological safety is given some attention in the science of public administration. However, the analysis of scientific sources showed that biological safety is mostly considered through the prism of organizational and functional relations in public administration and management. Researches do not pay attention to the problems of communication and communicative activity both in the context of organizational and functional support of biological safety and in the social context. In this context, solving the problems of biological safety is a priority task of the state administration in Ukraine. The article shows that depending on the field of application, the term "biological safety" can characterize a system, state, process, scientific discipline, educational discipline, function. The conceptual and categorical apparatus has been improved in terms of definitions of the terms "biological safety", "biological risk", "biological safety provision", "biological safety system". The main components of the public biological risk management system in ensuring biological safety have been improved, taking into account the principles, functions and methods of risk management. The conceptual-categorical apparatus in the state management of biosafety problems is proposed to be considered as a system with a clear definition of its elements and the development of organizational and functional components. The research results highlighted in the article made it possible to develop an author's model of the main components of the state system of biological risk management in ensuring biosecurity. The proposed model consists of several components, the main of which is biorisk information and biorisk management methods and tools. The other components of the system are considered as interrelated elements, which are based on the development of the correct standard of the biorisk management process. Important components are the general assessment of biorisks and their control, as well as the result of biorisk management, its monitoring and evaluation. The obtained results can be applied to the development of the main elements of a rational model of the state management system for ensuring the biological safety of Ukraine.


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