


cultural heritage; historical memory; ideology; political and ideological values; propaganda; state regulation; monument protection industry


The article attempts to assess the changes taking place in the field of cultural heritage protection through the prism of changes in the ideology and legislation of Ukraine, as well as to identify the limits of ideology's influence on political and legislative processes in this area. After all, the actual state of affairs sharply contradicts the generally accepted ideology, which leads to the danger of imbalancing the processes of protection and preservation of the true monuments of the cultural heritage. Discussions on these issues do not subside to this day, as it has proved to be very problematic to transform all the theoretical ideas of preserving the Ukrainian cultural heritage into their practical implementation. Thus, the author’s task was to analyses the peculiarities of Ukraine's state policy in the field of cultural heritage protection in the context of changes in ideology and legislation. The analysis allowed the author to state that there are different interpretations of the concept of «ideology», in particular, in relation to cultural heritage. Accordingly, the analysis of legislative provisions for the introduction and consolidation of a fundamentally new stage in the development of the monument protection industry to enhance the role of ideology in the country's public policy is of particular interest in the framework of the proposed study, so that ideological bias does not doom cultural heritage sites to be likened to imitation of national dignity. Therefore, these objects should not be viewed solely as an ideological weapon for glorifying or defaming certain events and individuals, but should be seen exclusively as a «healthy» source of information, true, objective and unbiased coverage of historical events and their critical assessment. Previously, the author conducted and duly published a series of her own studies, which formed the basis of the theoretical discussion of the topic. With her reflections, the author created a reason for discussion, and the ideas and theses of which found a favourable attitude among scholars whose research interest was the preservation of the national cultural heritage, including the author’s own views.


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