renewable energy, reintegration, temporarily occupied territories, legal regulationAbstract
In the article, the authors characterize the development of renewable energy in Ukraine. Established that the development of the field of alternative energy will be one of the factors for the successful reconstruction of the temporarily occupied territories and, above all, a positive factor for the rapid reintegration of these territories. It is emphasized that the South of Ukraine and Donbas had the greatest potential for the production of solar and wind energy before the start of the full-scale war. A significant number of alternative energy facilities were built in them. At the same time, many such facilities functioned on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea until 2014. All this testifies not only to the potential of the regions, but also to the possibility of quickly integrating alternative energy facilities into the United Energy System of Ukraine in the post-war period. The authors write that today the integration of alternative energy into a single energy system is not good. However, state and local authorities should already today introduce legal norms on the modernization and construction of the energy sector in these territories on the basis of alternative energy sources into the programs of reintegration and development of temporarily occupied territories. This will help Ukraine fulfill its obligations to the EU regarding decarbonization. It was established that the development of legislation on renewable energy in the context of the reintegration of temporarily occupied territories should provide for legal norms that will ensure the implementation of planned construction of alternative energy facilities; reconstruction of destroyed wind and solar power plants and construction of new ones; implementation of incentives for private households to invest their capital in the renewable energy sector; introduction of economic and legal means of stimulating the production of alternative energy for business entities; conducting an information policy about the advantages of alternative energy both for the economy of our state and for private enterprises.
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