


latency, victim, domestic violence, types of domestic violence, economic violence, physical violence, mental violence, sexual violence, causes of domestic violence, prevention


The article analyzes the problem of latency of domestic violence. Violence in the family is one of the most acute problems of our time, which has deep root and latent character, has no age, social and state boundaries. The concepts of «latency» and «domestic violence» are considered and analyzed, and the scientific views of researchers regarding these concepts are presented. The authors payed attention to the changes, which were presented in the Criminal Code of Ukraine in 2019, specifically the article 1261 “Domestic violence” came into force. The types and features of violence that can manifest in the family, namely physical, mental, sexual and economic, are revealed. The reasons that contribute to the silence of domestic violence have been identified and revealed. These reasons include internal and external factors. Indicated objective and subjective factors that predetermine the existence of a latent crime. In their work, the authors also analyze the statistics of domestic violence in recent years. The legal basis of the researched issue is analyzed. It was determined that domestic violence is sanctioned in accordance with the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Directions for the prevention of the latency of domestic crime are proposed. The main causes of domestic violence are the difficult economic condition of the family and the weakness of the system of social control over family relations. Important in the fight against this negative phenomenon is the creation of a hotline website for the prevention of domestic violence at the number 1547. The article concludes that the problem of family violence does not lose its relevance and is recognized as one of the most acute social problems of Ukrainian society.


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