the right to a safe environment, legal regulation, responsibility, control, protection of water resourcesAbstract
The legal regulation in the field of water resources protection is revealed. It has been proven that in a short historical period of time in independent Ukraine, the foundations of the national system of legal regulation of the use of water resource potential have been created. However, the presence of problems in the field of its use in the process of modern socio-economic development of the state requires further systematic development of water legislation and its unwavering compliance, improvement of the legal framework for the protection and use of water resources. It is proposed to develop Concepts for reforming the sphere of water protection and reproduction, rational use of water resources and development of water management and land reclamation after the end of martial law. The specified concept will be aimed at reforming the sphere of water protection and reproduction, rational use of water resources and development of water management and land reclamation to ensure the implementation of integrated management of water resources according to the basin principle, including reforming the organizational structure of both the State Water Agency and enterprises. institutions and organizations belonging to the sphere of its management, and provides for the implementation of market principles of management in the sphere of providing water supply and drainage services. It was emphasized that control over the use and protection of water consists in ensuring compliance by all legal entities and individuals with the requirements of water legislation. The objects of environmental control are: the state of the environment and water bodies, implementation of environmental protection measures by water users, provision of environmental safety measures, compliance with water legislation, environmental norms and rules. The control activity is embodied in conducting inspections of economic entities, the state of environmental objects with the aim of obtaining information and making management decisions based on it. The Institute of Liability for Violation of Water Legislation has the main features of liability for violation of environmental legislation. Thus, in case of violation of water legislation, the guilty person may be subject to disciplinary, civil or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.
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