


: freedom of labor, social orientation, social policy, legal regulation, social and work relations, social protection, codification of labor legislation


This article is devoted to consideration of the problematic issues of the need for more effective implementation of the social orientation of the principle of freedom of labor into the legislative process and into practical activity in the current conditions of the development of the state and society. Special attention is paid to the fact that in democratic societies with a socially-oriented economy, the basis of state policy is the priority of human values, where the implementation and protection of socioeconomic human rights are of great importance,including the right to work and freedom of its implementation. The appearance in Ukraine of various forms of ownership and new organizational and legal forms of management deprived the state of being the sole owner of the means of production and the sole employer. Therefore, the principle position now is not the guaranteed provision of work and the provision of full employment, but the right to free choice of work, that is, freedom of work. This, in turn, requires appropriate social protection due to the social orientation of labor law norms during the codification of labor legislation. The main priority in this direction should be the humanization of the norms of labor legislation and their general focus on ensuring the social values of a legal and democratic state. Strengthening the sense of human dignity and social security while ensuring the social values of a legal and democratic state. Strengthening the sense of human dignity and social security while implementing the principle of freedom of labor in labor relations, as well as achieving equality and social justice will be of great importance for the political and legal integration of Ukraine into the international democratic community. This approach also indicates the implementation of the constitutional prerequisites for the development of Ukraine as a social state with a stable, developed economy. The economic strength of the welfare state allows it to solve the main social issues of society, including the social protection of all segments of the population, including the interests of workers, as a larger social group. Therefore, deepening the social focus of the norms of labor law as a national branch of Ukrainian law will ensure the consolidation of society through the unification of the efforts of employees, employers and state authorities, their unity in order to achieve a high level of well-being of citizens based on the ideas of social justice. It should also permeate the content of relevant norms of labor law and those social relations that this law regulates. The lack of social orientation in the content of labor law norms of Ukraine may lead to their loss of social value and, in general, the need for the existence of this branch of law.


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