grain market, food security, administrative and legal regulation, agro-industrial complex, agricultureAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of administrative and legal regulation of the grain market in modern conditions and the formulation of individual proposals for its improvement. It is noted that the further development of the domestic grain market determines the state of the entire economic potential, the level of food security of the state and the socio-economic situation in society. The article indicates specific features of its administrative and legal regulation. The conditions under which forms and methods of administrative and legal regulation of the grain market will be more effective are determined. The author's vision regarding the administrative and legal regulation of the grain market in Ukraine is presented. Also, the authors highlight the main branches in the field of agro-industrial complex. The main goals that should be focused on when developing the mechanisms of administrative and legal regulation of the grain market are highlighted, in particular: ensuring food security and increasing the efficiency of its state regulation. The authors highlight five main functions of state regulation of the grain market, and also define the main directions of state policy in this market. The best experience of the legislative regulation of the grain market of certain member states of the European Union, in particular: Hungary, Croatia and France, is presented. Separate shortcomings in the system of administrative and legal regulation of the grain market are systematized, relating to: tax regulation; technical regulation; customs and tariff regulation; antimonopoly regulation; price regulation; agrarian protectionism. The article emphasizes that when introducing new regulatory mechanisms in the grain market, the state must adhere to two main goals, namely: elimination of existing market deficiencies and a defined social goal. The authors cite the example of the USA regarding the operation of a special information system for farmers, which informs the latter about the necessary measures for the current day, the probability of precipitation, etc. It is indicated that a regime for stimulating the production of grain crops should be introduced in Ukraine, which will establish simplified and accelerated administrative procedures, save financial resources, create additional competitive advantages, etc. At the end of the article, the authors emphasize that the state should control the processes of production, distribution and exchange of grain crops, as this will contribute to ensuring the food security of the state, as well as the observance of the interests of society in general.
Порожній стіл. Із проблеми вартості голод у 2023 році перетвориться більше на проблему доступності.
У світі швидко зростає кількість тих, хто голодує, у 2023 році буде ще гірше. URL:
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