коучинг, управлінський потенціал, конкурентоспроможність, саморозвиток, особистісний ресурсAbstract
The scientific article is devoted to the topical issue of the implementation of modern coaching technologies in the process of training future managers to carry out constructive management activities. The article analyzes the main priority directions and functions of using coaching technologies in the human resources management system. The article presents a general description of the main types and methods of coaching, defines the main aspects and didactic value of coaching in management practice. The reasons why Ukrainian managers and businessmen turn to a coach were also investigated, the main methods of performance evaluation and the use of coaching technologies in the human potential management system were analyzed. The article reveals various scientific approaches to the content and role of coaching technology, and it is determined that, in general, coaching helps people develop, master new skills, and achieve greater and better professional results. It was determined that coaching is a modern personnel development toolkit that uses mechanisms to create prerequisites for maximum self-disclosure of an individual's or organization's potential, including its professional self-awareness and leadership, self-improvement, and self-regulation. In general, the uniqueness of the coaching process as a professional psychological practice, a toolkit for personal and professional development of an employee consists in the additional use of a person's capabilities in selfdiscovery, self-improvement and self-realization, which contributes to the education of proactive and active employees. The article presents the practically oriented experience of integrating coaching technologies into the training system of future managers. The results of empirical research are analyzed and the program of integration of coaching technologies is described as a way of activating management potential. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of empirical data proves that the integration of coaching technologies into the system of training future managers ensures the development of all structural components of organizational managers' readiness for managerial activities.
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