інформаційні компетентності, публічні службовці, електронне урядування, гарантії, системаAbstract
The article defines the system of information competencies of public servants. The authors found that information competence is defined as a complex socio-psychological toolkit that establishes the content of the functioning of the individual in a digital society. It is emphasized that the digitalization of public life and state processes in modern conditions requires the individual to acquire the skills to constantly master the latest information and communication technologies, taking into account the risks of accessing and accessing information, opportunities and risks. It is emphasized that the introduction of the concept of e-government and public administration requires public servants of local governments to increase the level of information competence, which requires a revision of approaches to understanding the content of higher education in the relevant specialty. It is noted that information competence reflects the social content of the functioning of the individual, including the territorial community, is the embodiment of the attitude and support of regional and state policy, is a manifestation of the formation of the effectiveness of forms of social and legal responsibility as its variety. Information competencies are classified into such subgroups as: technical (competences that allow you to work with information technologies), public (competences that ensure information interaction of people), administrative (competencies aimed at implementing the idea of e-governance). It is concluded that ensuring the proper level of information competence of public servants will contribute to the implementation of the principles of e-governance, which are to ensure its transparency and manufacturability and are a guarantee of the successful implementation of the concept of public administration and the implementation of the idea of a digital state.
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