
  • Alina Yuriivna Yezhuninova



state, foreign economic policy, economic security, region, public administration, public administration activity


The article provides a theoretical generalization and offers a new solution to the scientific problem of rationalization of state-management activity in the field of foreign economic activity in the context of the economic security of the state, presented in the form of a study of the influence of external factors, in particular, European integration processes and the incorporation of international standards into the system of economic policy of the national state . The problems of researching the effectiveness of management activities in the system of foreign economic relations at the central and regional levels in Ukraine are updated, which is due to the importance of a systematic analysis of the prerequisites for integration into European economic and political structures, the definition of multi-level components in the system of the national foreign economic policy of Ukraine, the need to develop targeted state-wide, regional and sectoral programs of economic development. It was established that foreign economic cooperation did not find a sufficient place in the works of leading domestic scientists. The research of scientists is focused on such areas of problem analysis as the development of regulatory and legal documents regarding the activity of central authorities in the system of foreign economic activity, concepts of regional development (with the inclusion of provisions on the foreign economic activity of regions in the structures of such programs), and research in the field of foreign economic activity of subjects entrepreneurship. The need to systematize the study of the effectiveness of management of such activities at different levels in the direction of determining the mechanisms of its optimization in modern conditions is emphasized. It has been proven that today the basic problem of the formation and implementation of optimal management activities in the foreign economic sphere is the lack of coordination of the activities of the power structures of the central level of management, the decrease in the effectiveness of the interaction of central, regional, sectoral management structures in the field of foreign economic activity, the lack of development of directions for the adaptation of foreign experience and the adaptation of legislative the basis of Ukraine to the legal norms of other countries, in particular, the legislation of the EU and EU member states. It is indicated that the effectiveness of the country's foreign economic policy should always be based on the system of strategic priorities of both interstate and transregional economic cooperation.


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