
  • Olha Andriivna Bahrim




civil service, civil servants, public administration, war and post-war period, competence, competence approach, potential, professional potential, professional development, professionalism


The scientific article reveals the peculiarities of the development of the professional potential of civil servants in the war and post-war period in Ukraine. An analysis of the state of scientific development of the research problem was carried out and it was determined that despite significant scientific interest in the problems of formation and development of the civil service, the degree of research into the peculiarities of the development of the professional potential of civil servants in the war and post-war period in Ukraine is insufficient. The essence and peculiarities of the concept of «professional potential of civil servants» are determined, which the author proposes to consider as a set of undisclosed, hidden (latent) professionally important qualities (opportunities) of civil servants, formed on the basis of personality culture and the system of professional competences as conditions for their disclosure. ideas about them and professional beliefs about proper professional development, which are realized in the form of more effective performance of professional activities, where the main component is the moral-psychological and socially responsible aspect of the individual; acquisition of new and/or improvement of existing personal and professional competencies in order to achieve the highest possible level of professional formation and self-determination of the individual. The state of regulatory and legal regulation of the specifics of the professional activity of civil servants in Ukraine and official statistical data on the functioning of the civil service in the conditions of martial law are analyzed. In order to find out the capacity of the civil service in the context of increased attention to the need to develop the professional potential of civil servants in the war and post-war period in Ukraine, the author conducted a SWOT analysis, which identified strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the professional development of civil servants. The priority directions and prospects for the development of the professional potential of civil servants in the war and postwar period in Ukraine have been determined


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