



gender, emotional experiences, police officers, psychological mindedness, early adulthood, middle adulthood, subjective well-being


The article presents a theoretical analysis and an empirical study of the emotional component of subjective well-being in the practice of policing. A review of the psychological literature proved that well-being in adulthood is a positive predictor of professional fulfillment. In scientific works, subjective well-being is interpreted through the peculiarities of the manifestation of psychological mindedness, which strengthens a person's ability to understand himself and others and overcome life's troubles. The purpose of the article is to reveal the specifics of emotional experiences in different age and gender groups of police officers. The research sample consisted of 180 police officers, of whom 90 were women and 90 were men. The groups were formed according to two criteria: age and gender. Female police officers were divided into two groups: the first group included women in the period of early adulthood (21–25 years) – in the number of 45 people, the second included – 45 women in the period of middle adulthood (25–40 years). Male policemen were also divided into two groups: the first group consisted of men in the period of early adulthood (21–25 years old) in the number of 45 people, the second group consisted of 45 men in the period of middle adulthood (25–40 years old). The questionnaire "Subjective well-being scale" by А. Perrudent-Badox, G. Mendelsohn and J. Chiche was involved in the study. Empirically, it was established that female police officers in the period of early adulthood show signs of psycho-emotional exhaustion, are preoccupied with the results of their activities, the quality of the duties performed, which causes them tension and anxiety. Female police officers in the period of middle adulthood are more prone to mood swings, which we associate with the characteristics of this age period. It was found that male police officers in the period of early adulthood have more pronounced emotional experiences in matters of social interaction. As for male police officers in the period of middle adulthood, they are prone to mood swings, the satisfaction with their daily life, professional activities and interpersonal relationships is examined, which significantly affects their general well-being. It was established that the middle-aged men under study pay a lot of attention to their health and physical form.


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