


internal security, law enforcement agencies, resource and social and legal provision, preventive mechanisms, corruption


The declaration of martial law on the entire territory of Ukraine led to fundamental changes in the sphere of national security. Martial law is always characterized by appropriate restrictions for the population and additional obligations for the state, as well as the transfer of a significant amount of material, technical, economic and political resources to the military sphere. However, providing a resource base only mostly in the military sphere poses a significant threat to the country's internal security. In this matter, a reasonable balance between the internal and external security of the country and a rational distribution of resources is required. The article examines modern threats to the country's security, analyses and proposes mechanisms for their prevention and prevention, which allows to identify the main risks in the specified area, to avoid "legal chaos". The regulatory framework that reveals the essence of the security sector of Ukraine and its elements is analysed. Some components that pose the greatest threat to the security of the state are singled out. The insufficient level of resource provision of the security sector was established and confirmed. Analysis of information from open sources revealed and substantiated the high level of corruption in the security sector and its negative impact on national security. The importance of social and legal provision of personnel in the security sector has been proven. Proposed effective administrative and preventive measures to counter current challenges in the state security sector. In the article, the author came to the following conclusions: improving the resource, legal, material, technical and socio-legal support of the security and defence sector of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law is an extremely urgent and important task, which necessitates a clear legislative response and the implementation of modern administrative and preventive mechanisms aimed at preventing and minimizing negative phenomena in the security sector: the state of the security sector has a decisive influence on the state of Ukraine's national security. In Ukraine, there is a problem of development and practical implementation of a system of administrative and legal mechanisms to prevent risks in the field of national security.


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