



administrative and legal status, medical worker, public servant, health care, ethical standards


The article analyzes the practices of foreign countries in regulating the implementation of medical activities and establishing the content of the administrative and legal status of medical workers. The purpose of the article is to justify the status of medical workers as public servants. In order to achieve the proposed goal, the authors applied general scientific methods of scientific knowledge (dialectical, structural-logical, analysis and synthesis) and methods of legal science (method of comparative jurisprudence, method of legal modeling and forecasting, methods of legal normativism). The authors determined that the field of health care and the appropriate level of its effectiveness are among the strategic tasks of the modern state. The authors established that, according to the experience of countries such as Spain and Japan, an institutional approach can be applied to the regulation of medical services, the basis of which is the understanding of the strategic task of the health care sector as a strategically important task of the functioning of the state. Based on the analysis of the medical legislation of countries such as Great Britain, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, it was concluded that the global trends in the field of health care are: digitalization of medical services; controllability and clear regulation of medical activity standards; establishment of ethical treatment standards; information availability and openness of the health care sector. The authors substantiated that the implementation of normative regulation of medical activity and the provision of medical services in accordance with the practices of foreign countries and international standards requires Ukraine to direct the reform in the field of health care to: develop professional standards of treatment, standards of medical professions and specializations, consolidation of ethical standards of administrative regulation - the legal status of medical personnel (employees) as representatives of the public service.


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