



correctional colony workers, personal adaptation potential, psycho-emotional states


The article presents a psychological understanding of the dependence of the psycho-emotional state of correctional colony workers on the realization of a personal adaptation resource. Factors affecting the adaptive behavior strategies of colony workers with different work experience were analyzed. With the help of psychodiagnostic tools, a study of the influence of the personal adaptation potential of employees of penal institutions with different years of work was carried out. An analysis of the experimental and empirical study results of the level of professional and social-psychological adaptation and characteristics of the psycho-emotional state of correctional colony workers with different years of work was provided. It was found that the professional adaptation of the correctional colony worker to the conditions of production activity is a significant indicator of his work efficiency and its level changes with the acquisition of work experience. It was emphasized that young workers (with up to 3 years of experience) in the first years of work have a reduced personal adaptive potential, which affects their psycho-emotional states. On the other hand, correctional facility workers with more work experience are characterized by a higher level of adaptation potential realization, the ability to emotional self-control in various situations of the activity of penal institutions, more pronounced communication skills, reduced indicators of frustration and anxiety.


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