


coping strategies, stress, stress resistance, social adaptability, student youth


The article describes the concept of stress and the main coping strategies as a way of managing a stressogenic factor that is perceived as a threat in situations that arise. Stress among students is a common problem in the modern education system. School stress can be caused by various factors, such as a heavy class load, difficult assignments, pressure of social interaction, insufficient preparation for exams and tests, unfavorable atmosphere in the classroom, and others. Such functions of coping as reducing the negative impact of difficult circumstances on a person are disclosed; recovery of internal resources; change of life activity and its circumstances; balance in the emotional plan and establishing a positive perception of the «Self-image»; maintaining and maintaining close social ties with other people. The indicators of coping strategies that students usually use under the influence of stressful factors have been studied. Individual indicators of behavioral and emotional response were also determined in accordance with the situation that caused anxiety. It was established that students are used to use the strategy «Positive reappraisal» – 34% and «Avoidance» – 24%. «Avoidance» behavior is characteristic of students who do not want to notice the problem and somehow solve it. The highest indicator was found at the middle level. Individuals are characterized by the readiness to fight with difficulties, if it is not some extreme situation that causes increased anxiety and unstable emotional mood. Dominant coping strategies for a high level of stress resistance can be considered «Positive reappraisal» – 42% of respondents and «Solution planning» – 34%. A low level of stress resistance is characterized by the choice of such strategies as «Avoidance» – 40% and «Distancing» – 40%.


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