educational organizations, managers of educational organizations, innovative management styles, team, functional role positionAbstract
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the level of development of innovative management styles by team roles of managers of educational organizations. It has been established that general education managers are guided by all role positions in the team. The most attractive for managers of educational organizations role-position “the organizer of work”, “group organizer” is revealed. At a low level, the role of “head”, “finalist”, “assessor of ideas”, “research researcher”, “molder” and “generator of ideas” are expressed. As a result of factor analysis, three leading factors that reflect the orientation of managers of educational organizations on the main functional role positions in the team (“Initiation”, “Formation”, “Search”) were determined. Factor analysis showed a possibility of a certain “lifting” role position. Cluster analysis allowed to distinguish four types of managers of educational organizations by team roles: “organizational”, “forming”, “research”, “initiative”. Managers of educational organizations such as “organizational” and “forming” are implemented in professional activities traditional management styles, and managers such as “research” and “initiative” are innovative management styles according to the characteristics of each type. Based on quantitative distribution, it has been found that a little more than half of the interviewed education managers use in professional activity innovative control styles by team roles. The results of the study showed the need to introduce a special psychological training of managers of educational organizations to the formation of a role structure of the team and to execute certain roles. Taking into account the results of the study can contribute to the development of innovative management styles in managers of educational organizations during a special psychological training of managers.
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