mass sport, development, educational institutions, state policy, public health, European integration, physical educationAbstract
The article determines that the activities of educational institutions regarding physical education and the development of mass sports are related to the development of a model of public management of the social and humanitarian sphere in the context of the European integration of Ukraine. Physical culture and mass sports on the basis of a comprehensive approach determines the foundations of the education system regarding physical culture and sports, manifestations of the structure of education, the combination with the tasks of the development of the field of physical culture and sports, the requirements of professional standards. Thus, a situation has arisen where normative acts regulating the content of education and the professional activity of graduates can be correlated in a meaningful context, having significant differences in the conceptual apparatus. It is substantiated that there has been a transition to new state educational standards aimed at the European experience, where learning outcomes are marked in the form of competencies. Educational institutions of Ukraine are given sufficient autonomy in the formation of the interdisciplinary modular structure of the education system. During this period, professional standards are approved, the requirements of which must be taken into account in regulatory and organizational documents. It has been proven that normative documents regarding the implementation of the state policy of physical education and the development of mass sports in educational institutions of Ukraine are being approved today. The state policy of physical education is a strategic direction of the humanitarian development of society, its social progress and spiritual renewal, one of the most important elements of the cultural and quality standard of living. The problem of strengthening public health and prevention of diseases among the population is gaining special social importance. It was found that in modern conditions the problem of training qualified personnel for work in educational institutions is extremely acute, and the transformation of the system of training specialists in the field of physical education and the development of mass sports in accordance with the requirements of integration into the European educational space is an urgent task of the state social and humanitarian policy.
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