housing and communal services, cluster, strategic management, balanced scorecard, development prospects, project, project life cycle phasesAbstract
The article is devoted to solving the topical scientific problem of managing the strategic development of the city's housing and communal sphere in the post-war period and in the context of Ukraine's European integration process. It is proved that one of the most effective organizational forms of development of housing and communal services of a city is the creation of a cluster, and the cluster participants, along with utility companies and institutions, should include private enterprises, which will ensure the attraction of private capital to solve social and communal problems of the city. However, the purpose of business activity of each private enterprise that will be part of the cluster is to generate income, so it is predictable that the managers of these enterprises will prioritize the achievement of positive financial results of their businesses, neglecting other aspects such as long-term development prospects, creating comfortable working conditions for staff, introducing innovative technologies, winning positive consumer attitudes, etc. As a result, after the first successful steps in the development of the city's housing and communal services, the processes may slow down and the strategic goals set – reaching the European level of quality and efficiency of the housing and communal services sector – may not be achieved. To link the operational goals of each cluster member to the strategic goals of the city's housing and communal services development as a whole, the use of such a management tool as a balanced scorecard is proposed. The system of operational goals of each cluster member enterprise is structured in terms of "finance", "customers", "internal business processes", "training and development of personnel", which will allow taking into account the main aspects of the activities of housing and communal services enterprises in the long term, as well as translating the established strategic goals into quantitative indicators, i.e. making them more understandable for the management and employees of enterprises. The balanced scorecard is a relatively innovative tool for the management of Ukrainian housing and communal services companies, so special attention should be paid to developing a detailed mechanism for its implementation, which should be institutionalized in the form of a separate organizational project.
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