state humanitarian policy, stage, Germany, system of higher education, managerial experience, sphere, modernization of educationAbstract
The article determines that the modern German state humanitarian policy is determined by a number of reasons, among which, today, the accelerated pace of economic and technological changes in the state, social and demographic changes in the country come first. Hence the lack of young highly professional specialists in various sectors of the economy, the personnel shortage, and high competition for highly qualified personnel on the German human resources market. The requirements of the modern generation have changed significantly, creating an updated socio-economic formation of young, highly professional specialists focused on self-realization, project work, and even new modern means of communication. It is substantiated that the process of integration of the state system of higher education into the pan-European educational space is based on the example of the cooperation of interstate higher education institutions of our country and Germany, their role in maintaining the high status of domestic education and science, in increasing their competitiveness and compliance with modern European standards is analyzed. These factors prompted the authorities to direct the educational policy of the country to the search for purposeful and innovative personnel solutions and drew attention to the creation of an effective system of educational policy aimed at solving socially-oriented problems in the field of education and orienting the consciousness of society to continuous training and improving the qualifications of a professional level. It was found that Germany provides every German citizen with the opportunity to obtain any education for free throughout his life, as well as to improve his professional qualifications. It should be noted that since the signing of the Bologna Declaration by the EU member states, the entire European system of higher education has undergone serious changes. Detailed studies and results of reforms of higher education in Germany refer to the conformity of the system of higher education in Germany to the modern world, as well as the process of reforming the education system caused by the implementation of the Bologna Declaration. It has been proved that in the system of higher education in Germany today, there are changes in the implementation of trends in the formation of academic freedom as the main principle of higher education in Germany in the past, aimed at the implementation of independent scientific work and scientific research by students. In this regard, the research talks about the contradiction between German universities in the form of the commercialization of the higher education system, where scientific research took a back seat and determined the superiority of factual rather than research knowledge.
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