



public-administrative relations, public administration, public service, public servants


The article examines the peculiarities of the development of public-service relations in the system of democratic governance in Ukraine. The author emphasizes that the unprecedented unity of the people and the authorities gives public service relations a public character, increases the level of openness and trust in society under modern conditions. It has been established that in the conditions of high uncertainty of the democratic political process, the activity of the management system is of particular importance: employees of state authorities and local self-government are called to resolve social conflicts that arise on the basis of the clash of various social interests, which is a condition for the stability of society. It has been proven that the degree of publicity of the service depends on the degree of development of society. A necessary condition for the implementation of the functions of any service (state, self-governing, non-state, etc.) is the normal interaction of political power and society. Openness and publicity of public persons (subjects of public law) within the limits of both state and non-state service are elevated to a principle. It is shown that any type of public service should be based on a balance of publicity and confidentiality. Participation in the public administration of the state, as well as the organizations in which they serve, contributes to the growth of social activity, which is the norm for any democratic state. According to the author, from a functional point of view, public service includes all types of activities for the performance of public tasks, and from the point of view of working with personnel – all types of social relations in the field of public service, existing between individuals and owners of public law as an employer. Of particular importance in this context is the issue of the diversity of the public service in connection with the variety of public and official activities and the different scope of powers of the types of public service and the status of public servants, that is, according to the content of the day-to-day performance of the powers entrusted to them.


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Липовська Н.А., Фаст Д.Є. 2022. Культура служіння як імператив розвитку мілітаризованої публічної служби в Україні. Публічне управління та регіональний розвиток. 18. 1101-1121. DOI: 10.34132/pard2022.18.06

