


state administration, public administration, institutions of administration, institutions of public power, public service, service, official activity, official relations


The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern theoretical and methodological basis of official activity in the context of institutional challenges in the public administration system of Ukraine. Modern trends in the formation and meaningful filling of the institute of official activity and systematization of modern normative definitions of the concept of «service» are analyzed. The main institutional challenges in the system of passing the service and official activity determined by the concepts: 1) variability; 2) changeability; 3) inconsistency; 4) uncertainty); 5) vicissitude; 6) inability. The article analyzes the features and trends of the development of the modern model of official activity, identifies the features of such activity in the conditions of Russia's armed aggression against the Ukrainian State, the introduction of the legal regime of martial law, and the transformation of the entire system of public administration. The importance of defining the principles of management activity in fundamentally new conditions of state formation is emphasized. An important task at the same time was the analysis of the components of modern public administration reforms, their rationality from the standpoint of affirming sovereign and independent Ukraine. The expediency of rationalizing such reforms from the standpoint of the responsiveness of public administration in general, and the timeliness of the proposed principles of constitutional reforms are substantiated. In this context, an important direction of research in the article is the actualization of the development and implementation of the initial discipline «Service law», within which special attention is paid to the problems of service relations, service responsibility, as well as the analysis of the peculiarities of service relations under the conditions of the legal regime of martial law. It is emphasized that the use of incorrect methods for determining the vectors of institutional reforms can lead to gradual stagnation of reforms in the public service system. At the same time, in the conditions of the introduction of the legal regime of martial law, the implementation of one of the defining functions of state administration - the organization of a rational system of public service – requires special attention.


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