power, public administration, institutions of administration, institutional challenges, institutions of public power, public administration, reformation, public relationsAbstract
The article analyses the peculiarities and components of the development of state administration in the conditions of Russia's armed aggression against the Ukrainian State, the effects of the legal regime of martial law and the formation of state policy strategies. The general purpose of the research in the article is to analyse the available strategies for public administration reform, to determine the features of public administration reform under the legal regime of martial law, to form the theoretical and methodological foundations of public administration under the conditions of institutional challenges in the system of public power. The main task under such circumstances should be to indicate the goals of the reforms, their rationality from the point of view of preserving independence and territorial integrity. The expediency of implementing modern reforms based on the principles of responsiveness, subsidiarity and proportionality in the activities of public authorities is substantiated. The article identifies the current trends in public administration reform, both as a result of reforms that have already been carried out, reforms that are ongoing, and reforms that are determined to be implemented in the medium and long term. It was established that most national and government programs were not analysed in terms of achieving the planned results, and part of the subsequent reforms repeated the previous conceptual provisions, taking into account the use of a new terminological apparatus. At the same time, in the conditions of institutional challenges, modern public administration reform strategies are characterized by a sufficient abstraction of the text, in contrast to the classic models of successful reforms in the field of public administration in other countries based on the internal characteristics of the subjects and objects of reforms. It is proven that the state policy of integration into the European Union needs rationalization and reformation in accordance with established models of common EU policies. At the same time, it is important to synchronize sectoral and institutional reforms.
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