


gnostic-cognitive group of competences, communicative competences, future specialists of the humanitarian field, non-verbal communication, indicators of the psychology of communication, reflexivity


The article reveals the results of the research of the gnostic-cognitive group of communicative competences among future specialists of the humanitarian field. The structure of communicative competence is presented as a determinant of the professional formation of a future specialist in the humanitarian field, which includes subject-semantic, gnostic-cognitive and operationalactivity groups of competences that differ in the content of the functional load. The article provides a study of the gnostic-cognitive group of competencies, which is a system of knowledge that characterizes the subject and specificity of the professional communication of a humanitarian specialist; essence, structure, functions, types, patterns of development of communication in general and professional communication in particular; communication styles and features of one's own communication style; methods and techniques for the development of communication skills and their self-analysis from the point of view of determining effectiveness; perceptual skills and intelligence. The distribution of the quantitative results of the achievements of future specialists in the humanitarian profile in the field of knowledge of the psychology of communication according to their level of communicative competence, the indicators of knowledge of the future specialists of the humanitarian profile in the basics of non-verbal communication according to the level of communicative competence, and the quantitative distribution according to the levels of expressiveness of reflexivity are provided.


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