


gender, gender approach, gender display, gender competence of teachers, personality, gender identity


The article investigates actual scientific study problems of theoretical and methodological foundations of regarding the organization of educational classes from the standpoint of the gender approach by teachers, as well as the ability to teach the educational material in an accessible form using methods of assessing the assimilation of the material taking into account the gender of the students. Thanks to the gender competence of pedagogical workers, the educational process of students will take place taking into account the important individual and typological features of the personality of girls and boys, which will significantly affect the development of cognitive and creative abilities. The use of psychological-pedagogical technologies and relevant sources of information, self-education and teacher training will contribute to a more effective process of gender socialization of both employees and the personality of boys and girls. The peculiarity of the gender approach of teachers in primary art education institutions consists in providing free time and adjusting such pedagogical methods and technologies that help children and adolescents to find their way and realize themselves in their lives, in the ability to overcome obstacles on their life path. Working with a teacher in primary art education institutions, a person learns to understand the point of view of others, to show tolerance for differences in his own point of view, to strive to realize himself, to discover and enrich creative potential, to improve his ability to subordinate his behavior in achieving specific goals, to overcome difficulties on the way to them . Institutions of primary art education in terms of gender display provide for the voluntary choice of types and fields of activity by boys and girls; focus on personal interests, needs, abilities of boys and girls; the opportunity to determine one's own path of education and upbringing (boys and girls voluntarily choose the type of occupation: instrument, painting); taking into account the personal experience of boys and girls when determining the content of classes and forms of practical work, etc. The organization of the educational process from the standpoint of a gender approach in a musical educational institution is based on the creation of organizational-pedagogical and program-methodical conditions for the personal development and gender socialization of boys and girls, free from rigid gender stereotypes in the traditional sense, which will contribute to education and development a new personality with unlimited opportunities for individual life choices and self-realization for boys and girls. Institutions of primary art education become a center of motivational development of personality, its self-realization and professional self-determination. The process of entering the social environment of the individual takes place, which consists in learning the basics of communication, traditions, norms and patterns of behavior, the system of values – everything that determines the culture of society.


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