


educational organizations, leadership type, managerial type, harmonious type, organizational changes


In the conditions of modern society, the leadership position of the education manager depends not only on the effectiveness of the work of the educational organization, but also on his job satisfaction and coherence in the performance of tasks. The article, based on empirical research, singles out three types of managers of educational organizations by leadership position: "Managerial", "Leader", "Harmonious". It was established that less than a fifth of the surveyed managers had the "harmonious" type. The obtained data indicate the need to strengthen the leadership potential of managers of educational organizations, which, in our opinion, should "flow" into a purposeful process of formation and deepening of relevant qualities and skills, which involves the development of personal motivation, a persistent desire to be a leader, the development of professional competence, analytical , flexibility, foresight, self-confidence, ability to plan and set a goal, readiness to make decisions and take responsibility, etc. This indicates problems with the formation of managers' willingness to perform not only functions in accordance with their activities and professional duties, but also to be a leader in their team. The role of leadership in educational organizations in the conditions of modern organizational changes is analyzed. Innovations envisaged by the reform should not be carried out by administrative methods that will suppress the initiative of its direct executors. That is why it is necessary to develop, first of all, the professional competences of managers of educational organizations, who in the conditions of changes receive additional powers that require leadership qualities, responsibility, professional skills and the use of innovative management styles. The results of the study showed the need for the implementation of special psychological training of managers of educational organizations for the formation of a leadership position in the conditions of organizational changes. The obtained results can be used in the practice of educational organizations and for the psychological training of managers of educational organizations.


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