personnel, health care, public administration, category of civil servants, institutionsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of a topical topic related to the determination of the peculiarities of the formation of management personnel in the field of health care in Ukraine. Over the past five years, the researched industry has been in conditions of constant changes and challenges: decentralization changes in Ukraine, reforms in the field of health care, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine and related problems. As a result, problems and challenges force to change the personnel management system, to introduce new management methods and tools, and to change the organizational aspects of the functioning of medical institutions. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the personnel management system in the field of health care in the context of reforms and modern challenges. The article discloses a three-level system of public management in the field of health care of Ukraine. The first hierarchical level includes civil servants of categories "A", "B" and "B", i.e. employees of the Ministry of Health, regional departments and departments of health, as well as employees of other organizations of central authorities. The second hierarchical level of the health care system includes civil servants of category "B" and "B" and a larger number of managers. The third hierarchical level includes managers of the network of institutions in the field of health care of Ukraine, namely: medical institutions; sanitary and preventive institutions; pharmaceutical (pharmacy) establishments; institutions of medical and social protection. The peculiarities of the formation of the personnel management system within the III hierarchical level are revealed, detailing each individual type of medical institution. The modern model of the three-sector platform of public-private-public partnership in the health care system in Ukraine, which includes: a network of public health care facilities, private medical facilities, and public organizations, is substantiated.
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