


public administration institute, state institutions, civil society institutions, public administration subjects, institutionalization


The article examines management institutes (instrumental, normative-role and communicative) in the context of their theoretical research, defines the boundaries of the concept of "institute", analyzes the category "institute of public management", determines the place of the institute of state management in public management, characterizes the strategies of managerial influence on institutes in the context of the stages of institutional development. It is justified that unconditional submission and coercion are indispensable attributes of instrumental institutions. The normative-role institution is considered primarily through the prism of the results of its functioning in society. It was determined that the development of democratic forms of citizen participation in management, the formation of civil society lead to the emergence of a new type of management institutions – communicative ones, the functioning of which is connected not only with the awareness of the need for institutions, but also with the possibility of their constant adjustment in communicative dialogue. A communicative institute is a managed institute. Therefore, its development requires expanding the skills of self-control and decentralization. It is shown that the institute is not only a defined stable norm, rule, law, but also the self-development of this norm, rule, law, as well as the activity of establishing a norm, rule, and law. Here the static, dynamic and management characteristics of the institute, its stability, ability to establish and ability to be established are combined. The essential characteristics of public management are defined, in particular the influence of the subject of management on the object in order to achieve consensus; the mechanism of internal self-regulation of society, which is a practical manifestation of the institutional nature of management; "state administration" carried out by the institution of state power, "local selfgovernment", which is carried out, respectively, by local self-government bodies and "self-government" carried out by civil society; "soft" management aimed at consolidation, solidarity and cooperation.


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