


administrative procedures, public services, social sphere, territorial community, digitalization


The article describes the features of the implementation of the model of public management of the territorial development of communities in a digital society in the social sphere. It is emphasized that the success of digitalization processes has a direct impact on establishing the level of effectiveness of the implementation of the decentralization of public authorities in Ukraine, which is required both in general and at the level of individual areas of public life, in particular, in the areas of education, healthcare, social protection, and energy. , public transport, public safety issues, etc. It has been determined that the principles of public administration of a territorial community in the context of digitalization should be based on the principles of the concept of "good governance", which are understood as: 1) enhancing the participation of the community in making important decisions; 2) openness and transparency of regional subjects of power, which implies the need to ensure public access to information; 3) accountability and subordinate relations of all participants in the public administration process; 4) achieving a balance of private and public interests; 5) formation of the revenue side of local budgets on the basis of non-subsidization. It is concluded that the digitalization of the social sphere of development of the territorial community allows to overcome the numerous limitations of its formation, in particular, in terms of the realization of the human right to a profession, additional education, satisfaction of spiritual and cultural needs and interests, etc. It has been substantiated that the digitalization of public administration of a territorial society should be based on the developed model for the development and adoption of managerial decisions and administrative acts, the generalization of a significant amount of information, the organization of the maintenance of national and regional registers, which allows to resolve a number of interrelated business tasks. It is concluded that in order to ensure the effectiveness of public administration of the territorial development of communities in the context of digitalization in the social sphere, it is necessary to: improve the legal regulation of digitalization processes in order to create conditions for establishing interaction between public society and municipal authorities; creation of conditions for the accumulation and storage of databases necessary for the implementation of the concept of good governance, the basis of which is transparency, openness and accessibility of subjects of authority for consumers of public services and procedures.


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