social dialogue, public administration, socio-economic policy, social-labor relations, trade unions, employers' organizationsAbstract
The article highlights the main components in the structure of social dialogue, its parties and subjects, levels, forms and subject. Along with this, the main tasks of social dialogue are analyzed: protection of social justice; strengthening of democracy by providing the participants of the social dialogue with equal opportunities in the formation of social and economic policy. The study emphasizes that social dialogue as an institution of public administration plays an important role in ensuring the participation of employers and employees in the formation and implementation of social, labor and socio-economic policies. The functions that social dialogue performs in the sphere of socio-economic and social-labor relations are determined. It has been proven that social dialogue as an institution of public administration plays an important role in ensuring the participation of employers and employees in the formation and implementation of social, labor and socio-economic policy. It is emphasized that the social dialogue acts as a kind of tool in ensuring the balanced interests of hired workers, entrepreneurs and the authorities for the benefit of each of the dialogue participants and the whole society in general. This is an effective mechanism for ensuring better living and working conditions and greater social justice for workers; improving the quality of management in many areas; creation of more productive and efficient enterprises and industries, as well as a fairer and more efficient economy; ensuring gender equality in the field of work; formation of a stable and fair society; achievement of social consensus among interested parties; promoting the flexibility of the labor market; ensuring the democratization of socioeconomic relations, etc.
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