national-patriotic education, legal support, legal acts, educational influence, military-patriotic education, public-patriotic educationAbstract
The article considers the features of the directions of national patriotic education in the aspect of their legal support. The characteristic is given to the content of social and patriotic education as an integral part of national and patriotic education. Its essence is the formation of an active life position in a person, the ability to participate in the public administration system, control public authorities, exercise democratic civil control over them, oversight, assist public administration bodies, military formations and other entities. The arguments are given that military-patriotic education covers the formation of a set of values, motivational qualities and moral attitudes necessary for a citizen to implement the provisions of Article 17 of the Constitution of Ukraine. The rationale is given that spiritual and moral patriotic education is the most difficult type of education to understand and describe, since its content depends on a large number of subjective factors. This is due to the fact that moral norms are usually unwritten and have significant differences among different social groups. Ecological education is investigated as an element of national-patriotic education. The significance of the formation of the ecological outlook of a citizen of Ukraine is due to the fact that the future of the state depends on the use of adequate means and measures to protect and protect the environment. The legal support of the main directions of national-patriotic education in Ukraine is defined as the consolidation of legal acts, certain tasks and content of social-patriotic, military-patriotic, spiritual-moral and environmental education, as well as the practice of law enforcement in the field of organizing education and evaluating the effectiveness of educational influences. The rationale is given that the features of the legal support of national-patriotic education include: a) eclectic nature, which is explained by a combination of constitutional, administrative, military, labor, environmental and other branches of law, both public and private; b) the predominance of the advisory nature of legal regulation in the area under study, the abundance of discretionary legal norms; c) insufficient formation of the system of sanctions violation of legal prescriptions by subjects and objects of educational influences.
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