


administrative and legal mechanism, stray waste, inspection, normative and legal regulation, public administration, public interest, business subject, public governance


The purpose of the scientific article is to characterize the legal regulation of the management of stray waste in Ukraine. The system of legislation of Ukraine on waste consists of a large number of legislative acts. The legislative system of Ukraine on waste includes such legislative acts as the Laws of Ukraine “On Ensuring Sanitary and Epidemic Welfare of the Population”, “On Management of Radioactive Waste”, “On Scrap Metal”, “On Housing and Communal Services”, “On Chemical Sources of Current ", “On veterinary medicine”, “On removal from circulation, processing, disposal, destruction or further use of substandard and dangerous products”, Code of Ukraine on subsoil, other regulatory legal acts. It has been established that the protection of the environment from waste pollution is defined by Article 55 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of the Natural Environment”, where it is emphasized that the subjects of ownership of waste must apply the necessary measures to reduce the volume of waste generation, its disposal, as well as disposal or placement. It is emphasized that the implementation of operations in the field of waste management is possible only if there is a permit for the implementation of operations in the field of waste management in specified territories in compliance with sanitary and environmental standards. It was emphasized that priority is given to a method that ensures the possibility of further use of waste as secondary raw materials. It was concluded that the difference between the European waste management system and the existing Ukrainian approaches lies precisely in the presence of the economic essence of such a system, which is built on the principles of reducing environmental pollution, striving for waste-free production, responsible business conduct, etc. It is emphasized that the Agreement on the Association of Ukraine with the EU is a significant push towards the implementation of a pro-European environmental policy, which will allow moving away from the concept of “pumping” funds from market operators and moving to the creation of an effective system of managing stray waste.


Економічна статистика. Навколишнє природне середовище. Державна служба статистики України. URL:

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