analytical activity, prosecutor’s office, state, dynamics of crime, analysis, statistical data, criminal offensesAbstract
The author of the article explores the concept and content of the information and analytical activity of the prosecutor’s office as a specific type of intellectual, mental activity of a person, in the process of which, as a result of a certain algorithm of sequential actions from the search, accumulation, storage, processing, analysis of primary information, new, secondary analytical information is formed in the form of analytical reference, report, review, forecast. The purpose of the indicated direction of activity in the prosecutor’s office is an in-depth study of problematic issues of compliance with the law and combating crime, identification of shortcomings in the work, errors and miscalculations in the implementation of prosecutorial supervision and the conduct of pre-trial investigation, determination of measures to eliminate them and their prevention in further activities, forecasting the development of positive and negative trends. The author discloses the content of the main regulatory legal acts of the Prosecutor General’s Office, which determine the organizational and legal aspects of information and analytical activities in the field of combating crime, and points out their shortcomings. Proposals are made regarding the necessity of enshrining in the orders of the Prosecutor General’s Office such objects of information and analytical work as the state, dynamics and structure of crime. The method of applying the analysis of statistical data should provide for consistent compliance with the following procedures: a) setting the goal of the analysis; b) selection of statistical material and critical assessment of data; c) systematization of selected data; d) comparative assessment and ensuring their comparability; e) formation of general indicators; e) recording and substantiating the essential properties, features, connections and regularities of crime as a researched phenomenon; g) preparation of conclusions, proposals and practical recommendations. The ultimate goal of using the analysis of statistical data in the analytical activities of law enforcement agencies should be to identify trends in the state, structure and dynamics of crime, to establish the circumstances that contributed to the commission of criminal offenses; making proposals for their elimination in order to prevent them from being committed in the future; making forecasts regarding the state, structure and dynamics of crime in the future.
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