mechanism, implementation mechanism, public organizations, criminological activity, non-governmental organizations, civil societyAbstract
In the article, the author investigated the mechanism of implementation of criminological activities of non-governmental organizations and elaborated the key discursive apparatus of the research, in particular, the concepts: “mechanism”, “implementation” and “mechanism of implementation”. It is axiomatic to state that the state policy in the field of fighting crime partially or indirectly depends on the effectiveness of the criminological activities of non-governmental organizations. The measure of the latter can be a decrease in the level of crime, improvement of the criminological situation, improvement of the activities of state authorities thanks to control by non-governmental organizations, regulatory and legal initiative, etc. However, it is impossible to achieve the effectiveness of criminological activity when there is no or poorly established mechanism for its implementation. The author found confirmation that the concept of mechanism originates from the technical sciences and means a system of interaction of individual elements that collectively perform their functions in order to achieve a previously formed goal. The author came to the conclusion that the definition of criminological activity depends primarily on the characteristics and features of the subject of criminological activity. Which in turn affects the definition of the very mechanism of criminological activity. At the same time, the author supported the opinion of O.H. Yanovska and M.A. Pohoretsky, that the structure of the implementation mechanism should include such elements as: legal form of consolidation; activities of subjects; implementation entities. The author proposed to understand the mechanism of implementation of criminological activity of non-governmental organizations as a set of legal acts and relations of an interdependent system of subjects of criminological activity aimed at identifying the causes and conditions, as well as preventing criminal activity. The author identified information and analytical support and scientific support of the criminological activities of nongovernmental organizations as a relevant direction of further scientific research.
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