alternative energy sources, renewable energy, hydrogen, hydrogen energy, climate-neutral continent, gas transportation system of the country, hydrogen strategy of UkraineAbstract
Climate security is a rather complex category that depends on many factors, in particular, the achievement of climate neutrality throughout the world. That is why there is no doubt about the relevance of the research topic, because although hydrogen energy is a fairly new phenomenon on the world energy market, its advantages are already obvious today. This article is dedicated to the development of hydrogen energy in the world in general and in Ukraine in particular. Thus, with the aim of transforming Europe into a climate-neutral continent, improving the welfare of citizens, protecting biological diversity, and greening the economy, the European Green Deal was announced in the EU, which is a set of political initiatives put forward by the European Commission with the general goal of making the European continent climate-neutral by 2050, the same statement was reflected in the European Hydrogen Strategy for a Climate Neutral Europe, published on July 8, 2020. The EU intends to develop cooperation on renewable electricity and clean hydrogen with other countries and regions to support their clean energy transition and sustainable development. Taking into account the natural resources, interaction between the infrastructure and technological development, the countries of the Eastern and Southern Partnership are named priority partners of the EU in this case, and Ukraine is named separately. Our country actively participated in the use of alternative energy and began to modernize its own industries, paying considerable attention to hydrogen energy. With the aim of developing hydrogen energy in Ukraine with EU countries, using the existing gas transportation system, determining the logistics capabilities of the country, as well as supplying energy produced from hydrogen to industrial and household consumers in 2021, the process of preparing the Hydrogen Strategy of Ukraine was started.
Воднева енергетика в Україні : веб-сайт. URL: https://saee.gov.ua/sites/default/files/3_Repkin_24_11_2020.pdf. (дата звернення: 28.11.2022).
Воднева енергетика – можливість для України стати потужним гравцем на міжнародній енергетичній арені : веб-сайт. URL: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/news/vodneva-energetika-mozhlivist-dlya-ukrayini-stati-potuzhnim-gravcemna-mizhnarodnij-energetichnij-areni. (дата звернення: 28.11.2022).
Граждан О. Воднева енергетика: чому про неї так багато говорять і до чого тут Україна : веб-сайт. URL: https://ucap.io/vodneva-energetyka-chomu-pro-neyi-tak-bagato-govoryat-i-do-chogo-tut-ukrayina/ (дата звернення: 28.11.2022).
Тітамир О. Воднева енергетика в Україні: лише на рівні розмов, а чи реально? : веб-сайт. URL: https://ww.ukrinform.ua/rubric-economy/3315760-vodneva-energetika-v-ukraini-lise-na-rivni-rozmov-a-ci-realno.html (дата звернення: 28.11.2022).