emotional intelligence, family conflict, married life, psychological defenses, type of behavior, level of conflictAbstract
The article outlines the role of emotional intelligence in resolving family conflicts. The necessity and relevance of the study of the emotional intelligence of each of the partners in order to build a happy relationship is substantiated. It was found that with a high level of EI in both partners, conflicts in family life are resolved in a more constructive way and have fewer negative consequences than when a spouse does not possess emotional intelligence, is unable to recognize their emotions, control their behavior, and cannot manage the emotions of the other. It has been proven that the choice of a conflict resolution strategy in a married couple is determined by the existing level of emotional intelligence development of each of the partners, their readiness to peacefully resolve conflicting situations, and establish peace and tranquility in the family. To confirm the theoretical generalizations, a survey of 15 married couples was conducted using the following methods: “Questionnaire of emotional intelligence “EmIn” (D. Lusin), “Types of behavior in conflict” (K. Thomas), “Methodology for diagnosing the dominant strategy of psychological protection in communication” (V. Boyko), “Spousal interaction in a conflict situation” (Yu. Alyoshina, L. Gozman, E. Dubovskaya). The conducted correlational analysis of the results of the experiment made it possible to identify typical natural manifestations of the tendency of persons with a high level of emotional intelligence to cooperate, to resolve conflicts peacefully, to use peacefulness as a strategy of psychological protection, and to be active in solving family problems and conflicts. It has been demonstrated that both men and women with low emotional intelligence are not ready to successfully resolve family conflicts, and have a pronounced personal conflict. Prospects for further scientific research in the context of developing special programs for married couples regarding the development of the emotional intelligence of each partner are outlined, taking into account the stages of family development.
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