state policy, medical and psychological rehabilitation, public authorities, military personnel, social adaptation, societyAbstract
It has been investigated that the state policy of medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel provides for the transition to the latest management approaches in this area, and the needs and motivation of military personnel should be in the center of attention. This will significantly activate the process of becoming a priority of public responsibility, because ignoring the processes that take place during the transformation of the values of military personnel in a new social environment does not contribute to social adaptation, mastery of young people in new specialties, and reduction of social tension in society. It has been found that interest in the actual problem of medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel has increased in many countries of the world recently. The reason for such interest is the practical importance of rehabilitation, namely, reducing the number of military personnel by increasing their percentage who, after suffering illnesses and injuries, returned to a full-fledged civilian life. It is understood that medical and psychological rehabilitation means the combination and coordinated use of medical, social, educational and professional measures to achieve the highest level of functional activity. In addition, rehabilitation is defined as a system of state, socio-economic, medical, professional, psychological and other measures aimed at preventing the development of processes that lead to temporary or permanent loss of working capacity, to effective and timely return to socially useful work. It has been proven that the current and modern military globalization, geopolitical challenges, international terrorism, hybrid and information wars, which require a timely solution of a number of problems in both theoretical and practical aspects, the creation of an effective system of military-professional education in the army environment, are actualizing. Reforming the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the context of Euro-Atlantic integration, cooperation with NATO, and military cooperation with other states lead to an increase in the standards of the state policy of medical and psychological rehabilitation of servicemen in accordance with the criteria of the countries of the European Union and the United States. It was analyzed that the main tasks of medical and psychological rehabilitation are the return of military personnel to society, which has a significant socio-economic effect for civil society. Socio-economic aspects of rehabilitation processes are efficiency for society, determined by professional knowledge and life experience. Full rehabilitation of servicemen is achieved by the combined use of medical, psychological, physical, pedagogical, social, and labor rehabilitation measures that constitute a single complex. The need to reform the system of socio-economic provision of the living conditions of servicemen and to develop proposals for increasing the efficiency of public authorities within the framework of public-power interaction for the social adaptation of servicemen is actualized today. Psychological measures are inextricably linked with medical measures, as they contribute to the period of treatment, psychological preparation of servicemen for the necessary adaptation, re-adaptation or retraining in case of incomplete restoration of his professional skills.
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