alteration, public administration, public administration, management institutions, institutional alteration, institutions of public power, public relationsAbstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities and trends of the development of the modern system of public administration in the conditions of Russia’s armed aggression against the Ukrainian State, the introduction of martial law and the transformation of all components of state policy. The target orientation of the study of institutional alterations in public administration is determined by the need to form the theoretical and methodological foundations of managerial activity in fundamentally new conditions of state formation. An important task at the same time is the analysis of the components of modern reforms, their rationality from the standpoint of affirming a sovereign and independent Ukraine. The expediency of detailing the direction of such reforms from the standpoint of the responsiveness of public administration in general, and the timeliness of the proposed principles of constitutional reforms are substantiated. In this context, the analysis of institutional alterations in public administration is indicated as an important direction of research in the article. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of applying the analysis of the implementation effect, the modern methodology of comparative and adaptation analysis, and the scientific foundations of the conceptualization of reforms when planning reforms. The article proves the necessity of bringing the normative-legal framework of reform into compliance with the foundations of national and international constitutionalism, the domestic normative-legal framework, especially in the context of the development of Ukraine’s European integration policy, approaching the acquisition of membership in the European Union. It is emphasized that the use of incorrect methods of determining the directions of institutional reforms in the government policy system can lead to the gradual conservation of reforms. At the same time, in the conditions of the implementation of the legal regime of martial law, the implementation of the basic functions of state administration – regulatory, law enforcement, law enforcement, integrative, etc. – requires special attention. In the context of the analysis of the current state of the public administration system, it is proposed to determine the scientific approaches of the transformation process in the following directions: the first direction is a clear determination of the foundations of the development of the public administration system and the implementation of public administration reforms in the conditions of compliance with the EU membership criteria. The second direction is determined by the composition of the main tasks of state-building in Ukraine in the context of solving national security problems. The third direction is based on the formation of the foundations of the concept of public administration in the conditions of institutional alterations.
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