development; emotional intelligence; future psychologists; emotions and feelings; tendency to empathize; management of emotionsAbstract
The article presents the main results of an empirical study of the features of the development of emotional intelligence of future psychologists. It is noted that the emotional intelligence of practical psychologists is a complex integrative education, which is determined by the ability to realize, understand and control one’s own emotional states, emotions and feelings of others in the process of interpersonal interaction, which determines the success of their future professional activities. As it turned out, the greatest influence on the development of emotional intelligence of future psychologists, in addition to the harmonious ratio of its components (identification of emotion, emotional facilitation, understanding of emotions and management of emotions), has such indicators as situational reflection and empathy. The development of its individual components has its own characteristics. Identification of emotions and their understanding by the examinees depends to a greater extent on situational reflection and empathy, and emotional facilitation and management of emotions – on emotional balance. Such relationships prove that the understanding of one’s own emotions and feelings and a deep understanding of the complex emotional complexes of other people is connected with attentiveness to emotional manifestations and a tendency to empathize, and the ability to consciously influence one’s own emotional state and evoke certain feelings in others – with the possibility effectively neutralize the impact of negative emotions. Thanks to the results of the study, it can be determined that in order to activate the development of emotional intelligence of future psychologists, special attention should be paid to training them in the skills of managing emotions, both their own and those of others, in-depth analysis of past situations and planning future events, conflict resolution based on partnership relations, focusing on solving problems first and using the emotional support of others as an effective resource for overcoming various difficulties.
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